Faster, Stronger, Lighter™


REALLOCK locking washers are highly engineered, patented components that replace safety wire in critical applications. They consist of a spring material that provide two independent lobes to allow the engaging nut to rotate over the lobes. One lobe immediately springs back to its original position which prevents the nut from reverse rotation. The second lobe provides a force bias on the nut. When the nut is rotated an additional 30 degrees, the lobe that was biased is now allowed to return to its original height, thus preventing the nut from reverse rotation. The other lobe is then biased against the nut. This process continues until the desired torque on the nut is achieved.

There are numerous methods of securing the REALLOCK to prevent rotation during the installation process such as: Internal and external tabs, cross hardware assemblies and “D” slots as used on connectors.

See the 3D visuals on how REALLOCK is installed and how it works.